Magazine that cover string instruments and music.
Magazine that cover strings instruments.
Canadian magazine on classical, opera, jazz and world music.
The ISB is a forum for communication among bassists throughout the world and across a wide variety of musical styles.
Their purpose is to promote the art and science of making, repairing and preserving stringed musical instruments and their bows.
Accessories and Resources
To eliminate the risk of cracks in the heel and stabilize the neck
Double basses pickups available directly at my workshop.
Impressive collection of links for doublebass
Seller of the best musical instrument cases.
Carbon fiber soundposts for violins, altos, cellos and double basses.
Bow maker living in Montreal.
Group whose bassist owns a Lamario's double-bass with a removable neck and an integrated double extension.
Jazz musician that play with a Lamario double bass. Musician, composer, soloist.
Mike Downes's Website: Bassist, composer, author and educator - Canadian finest jazz artist